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Games to Play on Transit #8

Try to make sense of the announcement on the SkyTrain when only every third word is intelligible on the crappy speakers.

"Zzzt! ...attention... Zzzzt ... *cracle* ...delays... *crackle* ... Zzzz! ...problem... Chzchzchz ...thank you for your patientence."

Oringinal post:

Granville Street

I've been doing some work on the Port Moody website (that's my job) regarding the new LRT line that will run from Lougheed to Coquitlam Centre. In doing this I went off on a tangent and started reading about the "Canada Line" subway connection between downtown, Richmond, and the airport.


When working regular hours like I am right now, Thursday is the worst day of the week. I habitually short myself on sleep during the week, and by Wednesday it starts to catch up with me. By Thursday I am exhausted.

Oringinal post:


Someone just blew up about $100,000 worth of fireworks in Coal Harbour. For what? Weee! It's January 11th! Let's have a 30-minute fireworks show!

Does anyone have any idea what this might have been for?

Oringinal post:

Small World Time

The woman I share an office with is the graphic designer and communications director for Port Moody. She's working on putting together an RFP for a project I can't really talk about because, well, the RFP hasn't gone out yet. The "small world" part of this is she was looking up other municipalities that had done similar project and was telling me about one.

"It's this little town in New Jersey - Montclair..."


I need to find something to do with my lunch hours.

Oringinal post:

Games to Play on Transit #7

When I was about 12 or so I read a series of thirteen short stories. The stories themselves didn't stick with me, but the prologue to them did.

The author explained that he had been on a flight from Capetown to Cairo in the 1970's and the plane had stopped for refuelling in Uganda (which was under Idi Amin at the time). On the tarmack, in the hottest part of the afternoon, was a white woman and boy of about twelve. The woman was wearing an elegant evening dress and the boy was wearing a tuxedo.


From my former boss:

Sorry to bug you... I have tried to avoid wherever possible. We have hit a problem with the T-Net today that Trevor [This would be "the Doctor" - MB] has not been able to resolve...

It took the MCSE a whole week after launch to break it. I'm impressed. I expected him to bork it up during testing.

Knowing that the Doctor is functionally illiterate and will send no less than four responses to every one e-mail I've taken a lesson from my divorce — my response:


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