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Unfortunately no news from the New Zealand job yet. I'll give it a few more days before I call them. At this point I've either made it past the second round or not, and there isn't anything I can do to influence the decision. It's just wait and see now.

I received buyer feedback for my stereo camera on Thursday. I assume this means that it has shipped and will arrive any day now. I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Oringinal post:

Big Interview Tonight

Tonight at seven o'clock is interview number two for the job in Wellington. I spent yesterday evening preparing for it, writing myself notes on all the usual interview-y kind of questions (there are advantages to phone interviews - being able to discreetly refer to notes is a big one).

Annual Tax Rant

I hate paying money to figure out how much I money I have to pay.

It's like paying in advance for the privledge of spending a week to plan your own mugging, then mailing the money to the mugger who can't be arsed to show up.

A matter of cultural priorities

Ancient Romans had half a dozen shades of saying "I/me".

The Japanese have a dozen ways of saying "thank you".

The Innu have about two dozen ways of saying "snow".

The Hawaiians have about four dozen words for various types of ocean waves.


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