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One thing leads to another

I was half an hour late for work this morning. I blame the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Genesis 1:3

Well, damn. Looking at electrical standards, transformers, and the like I now have a handle on what we can convert by various means vs. what would have to ditched if I get the job. There is an amusing irony that what is the oldest, most-common, and simplest bit of electic technology is the biggest problem.

Lenticular Photographs

len·tic·u·lar  (lĕn-tĭk′yə-lər) adj. 1. Shaped like a biconvex lens. 2. Of or relating to a lens.

Interview Tonight

The job in Wellington just called. My telephone interview is tonight at 7 p.m. (4 p.m. Wednesday, NZ time).

Oringinal post:

Nothing Yet

No news about the lead in Wellington yesterday. I'm not surprised by this since I was told on what was a Friday afternoon just before a summer long weekend that HR would be setting up a telephone interview. I can't imagine that being on the top of anyone's list first thing back from a long weekend. In fact, if it were me, I'd have this week booked off as vacation.

An assortment

Well, I paid for my stereo camera this morning, and it will be shipping by insured USPS. I can hardly wait until it shows up.

In a fit of massive geekery I bought this:


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