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Games to Play on Transit #6

Give names to the people you see every day but won't talk to lest you then end up feeling obligated to talk to them every day. For example, I have "The Lunchbox Tard" (a mentally handicapped man that carries one of those huge 1930's steelworker-type lunch boxes big enough to double as a cat-carrier), "Other Tie Guy" (a man about ten years older than me that so far is the only other person I've seen wearing a tie to work), "EMO girl" (a high school kid in PoMo that looks like every single girl on MySpace), etc.. Someone else has probably dubbed me "Blackberry Guy".


Ginger beef from Confucious Says for dinner. Non-negotiable. :-p

I seem to have picked up a fun chest-cold over the holidays. Fortunately for my productivity the pseudoephedrine hydrocloride component of the drugs that are keeping me from coughing my lungs out is also compensating for the maybe three hours of broken sleep I got last night. Conveniently there is a drug store across the street so I am well stocked on what's needed to get through my day at work. Ginger beef is required to help shake this.

Games to Play on Transit #... What? 6?

Guess where people are going to get off based on what they are wearing and carrying. For example: brown hiking boots, faded blue jeans and faded blue dreads, and a backpack large enough to sleep six = Commercial/Broadway Station.

Oringinal post:

Year in Review


  • Started the year out getting stupid-drunk at Sin City and making an ass of myself
  • Had to make a presentation upon which hinged my job and realized five minutes in that the whole process was lip-service and I was fucked. This was verified when I was subsequently handed my already-prepared "retention package" letter giving me eight months to undo everything I had done in my last three years at work.
  • I made a "Welcome to Siberia" demotivational poster


New Gear

I put a hold on buying any photography gear for the last couple of months. At first out of money concerns as my contract with Tolko was running out and nothing was lined up yet, then because of the Christmas "don't buy anything for yourself in December" rule. Both of those now gone, I picked up something I've been wanting for a while:

A reflector umbrella and slave flash.

The lights I picked up in the summer are good and will have their place, but this is for bringing to Sin City and other places where a always-on, blaring-hot, 1000 Watts of glaring light is not a good thing. I also picked up a 4" x 6" photo printer for a stupidly good price (75% off - new and from a major retailer,  otherwise I'd think it was hot at that price!) so I will be selling pictures at Sin City on New Year's Eve. I've been wanting to do this since I got back from Convergence 11 where they had someone set up in the club selling pictures.

Naturally, once I got everything set up today "animal testing" ensued.


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