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Games to Play on Transit #3

Try and predict, based on the breeze coming out of the subway tunnel, whether you should walk faster to make the train or bag it and saunter down for the next one.

Oringinal post:

It's Sort of Embarrassing.

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct!

And It is Lunch-Time

Like a good union man I am on a break, time for some guilt-free LiveJournaling. Not that I have much to say. The forecast this morning was predicting snow so I brought my IR camera in today in the hopes of taking some pictures in the snow to pass this pointless hour. No such luck. It is just raining unphotogenically out here.

Games to Play on Transit #2

In three seconds or less, assess the personalities of 27 people based on their clothes, facial expressions, and body language and pick the least annoying one to sit next to.

Oringinal post:

So I Remember Later

1 oz. vodka

1 oz. grenadine

top with orange juice

Genius by sleeplessknight

Happy Birthday indeed. Great party. Thanks for having us over.

Oringinal post:

Vancouver, Toronto, New York and... Port Moody

So I got an e-mail from New York about the possible job in Toronto this morning, wanting to talk to me further. Up to this point I've been dealing with a guy in California, who has now passed me up to New York. The company doing the placement is Japanese, in business since 1967 and is big on open source (they own Turbolinux, one of the distros supported by IBM). So far all I know about the client is that they are a Japanese-owned electronics industry company.


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