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Games to play on transit

1. "Identify the smell"

This morning's winner was old tires with engine grease, with just a hint of urine.

Oringinal post:

Crap crap crap crap

Something got seriously borked on my server last night. I'm about half an hour away from having it fixed, but off I have to go on the commute so it all stays down until I can get home. None of my websites are working at the moment, which is no big deal. Elaine's store is the bigger deal. That and our primary e-mails are dead for at least another 10 hours. Nothing will be lost because there are two more levels that can spool the mail until it is deliverable. It's just going to bug me all day that I'm so close yet so far from having it working.


I saw some of the new pistol-carrying Transit police for the first time this morning. Certainly they are a far cry from the machine-gun toting soldiers you see in the subway stations in New York, but I can't say that the desired effect of "feeling safer" was was acheived.

This is not an improvement in safety, it is an escalation in violence. Of course there is a logic behind it; the same logic that is always used to make those tiny, reasonable-at-the-time slips down the slippery-slope.

"It is for our safety."

"We're lucky. It's much worse in other places."


I just found out today that I have to take lunch. That's another hour of my day wasted in addition to the two spent commuting.

I'm not happy about this.

My lunch is manditory because of union rules. I'm not sure what the hell I am supposed to do for that hour since I don't eat. I guess I will be going for walks.

Oringinal post:


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