Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2024/12/20 - 3:39pm
The spaceship is dusty. The gallery space downstairs is being reconfigured with extra walls for the next show, so there has been drywall and sanding. And since the offices are on an open mezzanine and there is no way to contain it, the dust is everywhere.
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Fri, 2024/12/20 - 7:28am
19 years after this job imploded in a hostile takeover, I am on my last page of memo stationery.
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Mon, 2024/12/02 - 10:38pm
Thu, 2024/11/28 - 7:31pm
In Canada, we call today "Thursday" #culturalimperialism
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Mon, 2024/11/25 - 10:40pm
Sun, 2024/11/24 - 8:36pm
Just another weekend doing perfectly ordinary, grown-up, responsible things... #TheLastResort #waldorfvancouver
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