Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sun, 2025/01/12 - 12:44am
Malenky playing the rôles of both Vlad Tepes and Mehmed II in an epic tale of Wallachia defending against the rise of the Ottoman Empire
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Thu, 2025/01/09 - 11:27pm
Thu, 2025/01/09 - 12:25pm
The beginning of another exercise in doing something isn't survival or service before I go mad.
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Tue, 2025/01/07 - 8:30pm
TIL that in 1979 John Cleese was in an episode of Doctor Who co-written by Douglas Adams.
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Tue, 2024/12/31 - 3:22pm
Managing to get a paper cut from corrugated cardboard is a "fuсk you" from the universe ;-)
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Tue, 2024/12/31 - 1:51pm
Oh look what I got yesterday :-) #buyyourfriendsart
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Fri, 2024/12/27 - 3:48pm
How to feel 50 years younger in one easy step: POW I'm seven again. #batman #batman1966 #batmobile #adamwest
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Fri, 2024/12/27 - 11:26am