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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Happy All the Things

Merry Catmas

This I absolutely know why the fork I own it.

From my dad's stamp collection that I came across while consolidating it into a new box: a set of...

From my dad's stamp collection that I came across while consolidating it into a new box: a set of stamps from the short lived (1917–18) post-imperial, pre-Soviet Ukrainian People's Republic. #славаукраїні
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The Christmas bat has some Ukrainian friends #павуки

The Christmas bat has some Ukrainian friends #павуки
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The spaceship is dusty. The gallery space downstairs is being reconfigured with extra walls for the...

The spaceship is dusty. The gallery space downstairs is being reconfigured with extra walls for the next show, so there has been drywall and sanding. And since the offices are on an open mezzanine and there is no way to contain it, the dust is everywhere.
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Your annual reminder that eggnog is bone coloured

Маленький монстр


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