Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2024/11/28 - 7:31pm

In Canada, we call today "Thursday" #culturalimperialism
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Mon, 2024/11/25 - 10:40pm
Sun, 2024/11/24 - 8:36pm

Just another weekend doing perfectly ordinary, grown-up, responsible things... #TheLastResort #waldorfvancouver
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Thu, 2024/11/21 - 4:49pm

Silly thing that came up in conversation today: Edgar Allan Poe, but with ducks Pictured: The Quack of Amontillado Others: The Tell-Tale Quack, The Duck, The Fall of the House of Ducks, The Masque of the Red Duck, etc.
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Tue, 2024/11/19 - 8:37am

Considering this in relation to Norway it seems there is something about long, skinny countries with fjords
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Mon, 2024/11/18 - 6:37pm

Final form achieved with a new stainless steel litter box in the ventilated enclosure I made. Malenky christened it as I was typing this.
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Sun, 2024/11/17 - 8:47pm

"Where have you been?" "These bowls are not going to fill themselves."
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