Mon, 2008/05/12 - 11:46pm
O.K., so I didn't get to posting pictures tonight, but I added a new feature to the photogallery!
Mon, 2008/03/17 - 8:01pm
I've just added a recent activity view to the forums that shows the threads with the most recent activity sorted in reverse chronological order. This should make it easier to keep tabs on what's new in the forum.
Sun, 2008/02/10 - 4:45pm
There will be no Gothic BC photo booth at the next Sin City.
Mon, 2008/01/28 - 10:13pm
I've update the Dark Vancouver feed for the News Aggregator to deal with the changes that have come with ezBoard becoming Yuku. And even though Yuku has RSS feeds I am still using my custom feed builder because Yuku's feeds are yukky. Is it so damn hard to write an RSS feed that even comes close to complying with the RSS specs?
Thu, 2008/01/17 - 8:53pm
Whoops. Looks like when I was fixing the Top Picks view in the photo gallery on Tuesday I managed to break the By Name view. Thanks to Ashton for letting me know about the problem so I could fix it.
Tue, 2008/01/15 - 8:11pm
Fixed a problem with the Top Picks view in the photogallery where NSFW images were not showing regardless of the NSFW filter settings.
Mon, 2007/12/31 - 11:42am
OK, I knew it had to be simple and that a little bit of sleep would help. I forgot to update one site-specific setting after moving the app from the dev environment to production. What's ironic is the particular setting in question is part of the code I submitted to the calendar module to fix the very problem I was having. D'oh!
Mon, 2007/12/31 - 2:47am
Poop. It seems the calendar isn't working properly on the live site, yet is working just fine on the development site. It's a bit too late (or early) for me to figure out WTF is different. Hopefully it isn't a big deal and it's just because I'm tired that it isn't obvious to me right now.