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[Gothic BC] ‘I haven’t worn colour since I was 14’: meet Britain’s longest-standing goths

Born in the 80s, goth is still going strong. Four devotees discuss the music and fashion and how love of the macabre draws together a warm and friendly scene

Goths are perhaps the most maligned of all subcultures. Over the decades, they have been unfairly blamed for high-school shootings, depression in teenagers and antisocial behaviour. In reality, goths are a collective of people bound by a shared love of fashion, music and art.

[Gothic BC] British Red Telephone Booths are Designed after a Tomb

Visible from the graveyard and sharing its name with the same martyr, St Pancras, is the sister station to King’s Cross, a Victorian gothic masterpiece built by Sir George Gilbert Scott. Just under half a century after this station opened, the architect’s son, Giles Gilbert Scott had entered a competition to design a telephone box. He trod around the graveyard of St Pancras Old Church, in the shadow of his father’s masterpiece, and found inspiration: the central domed structure of [Sir John] Soane’s tomb.

[Gothic BC] 20 Years of Gothic BC

As of today, November 1, 2018, Gothic BC had been on the web for 20 years. Below are some words from some of the promoters that have made this possible my keeping the scene alive...

[Gothic BC] Hallowe'en

[ Reposted from my blog on Gothic BC #GothicBC ]

[Gothic BC] Happy Summer Solstice

The nights start getting longer as of today.


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