Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2001/11/08 - 11:30am
All of the coins I accumulated in New York were minted in Philadelphia whereas almost all the American coins I have accumulated locally were minted in Detroit.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/133749.html
Mon, 2001/11/05 - 11:30am
Fri, 2001/11/02 - 12:33pm
So yesterday was a busy day. My feet are a mess - literally blisters on my blisters. I went into the city late in the morning and caught a subway downtown. My plan was to wander around downtown for a bit to look at some of the really old landmark buildings, do my phone interview in Battery Parkm, then catch a ferry or something to get some distance from Manhattan for some skyline shots then maybe walk by Ground Zero on the way back uptown. Not exactly what happened.
Fri, 2001/11/02 - 12:01pm
Wed, 2001/10/31 - 2:15pm
Yesterday left me with a lot to think about. There was a part of me that knew all along that coming here was going to lead to some kind of epiphany, that was the point of the trip. I knew there was a question I didn't know how to ask and for no reason I can reasonably explain I knew coming here would help me find that question. That sounds flakey as can be... but I guess if I was a real flake I would have left the question unasked and blamed my confusion on anything but myself.
Wed, 2001/10/31 - 11:24am
After the Empire State building yesterday I went to see "From Hell" with a bunch of Elisabeth's friends. Or more precisely, we were on our way to the movie and went up the Empire State on a whim. The funny thing is that it turned out that I knew a couple of people at the cinema from C6. That was amusing.