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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Blogger, LJ, DJ... whatever...

So. Anyway...

...This "sense of belonging" thing that Trish nailed. It was very astute of her. All this angst was/is about finding a place for myself, as myself. There is the part of me that fits in at Sanctuary and Sin City. That part is good, but I'm feeling more than a little dependent on it right now because the rest of everything is just so unfocused and undetermined.

Cross your fingers for me!

Wish me luck

I have my second interview tomorrow.

Oringinal post:


Michele's Place

What the fuck is wrong with me?

OK. I've pretty much felt like crap ever since I got back from my trip. First I felt physically like crap since I caught some kind of cold on the way home, but I have been feeling increacingly depressed as well. I can't put my finger on it. I'm not prone to seasonal affected disorder (quite the opposite, actually).

Things that aren't as fun as they used to be

I'm playing Sim City and along comes an alien attack. If you know the game you know that the aliens always go for the landmarks.


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