Aaaaruuurghwaaaaghck @#*^$#^%$*&!!!!
Mon, 2001/12/10 - 7:31pm
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I had a great day at work. It flew by. It took an effort to convince myself to leave. Which brings me to my current state. I don't want my clients anymore. I don't want to waste my spare time on crap that I don't give a flying fuck about. In fact I feel like yelling at a certain client that just because I did her fucking website she doesn't mean I'm a fucking, God-damned support tech for her freaking fucked-up Shaw cable account and craptastic Windows XtraPhuckedup POS that she insists on dicking with and breaking. "Golly geez, Mr. Wizard, how come my IP address changes when I unplug from the router and use the cable modem directly?"
AGHHHHHH!!!!. To paraphrase Henry Rollins' 'El Niño' skit: "Because you're a fucking moron, that's why! Get an AOL account and go fuck your brother."
As for my other client who thinks December 5th is a good time to ask about adding 30 new products to his website in time for Christmas. Fuck, fuck, fuck yoooooooooooooo! SHIT-FOR-BRAINS-FUCKING-CHEAP-AS-FUCK-WATCH-HAWKER-GET-A-FUCKING-BERRY-BOX-AND-SELL-YOUR-FUCKING-WATCHES-FROM-THE-BACK-STAIRS-OF-THE-FUCKING-ART-GALLERY!!!!!
Can I go back to my job now? I like it there. They are going to let me hang some of my paintings up.
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