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This scares me

OK. I'm sick. I have established that. Walking three kilometres is hard and my reactions are impaired. I'm also making stupid mistakes and just generally having a hard time thinking. OK, whatever, that's just being sick. But if I were out of shape and stupid my whole life would be like this. That's scary. There are armies of lazy-ass, stupid people out there like this everyday, diving their cars to work.

Stupid things you do

OK. I'm sick. Fine. I take a day off work to recuperate. Fine. I get a really good night's sleep, fine. I start feeling better, also fine. I decide to re-sew and re-hang all the curtains in my apartment - not fine. Stupid, in fact. I finished, I had to because my apartment is a studio with windows on three sides and ergo is a fish bowl without curtains, but now I am exhausted.

Note to self: when you take a day off to rest, rest, you stupid fuckhead!

Things that show up in the mail

We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.

- Henry David Thoreau

I'm home from work, sick, thinking about direction and goals. I'm going to need to go with the flow for a while at least - I can't do anything without some money in my pocket.

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I do not feel good today

OK. Monday I just thought it was a hangover. Yesterday I was thinking, "Well, maybe I'm getting sick." Today I am thinking, "Fuck. I'm sick." Walking in to work was not fun. By the time I got here I was totally light-headed. I've been here for over an hour and I still feel wobbly. I think I may need to take a sick day tomorrow.

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Pick a neurosis, any neurosis

They are fun for the whole family and they are free. They're giving them away in magazines and on TV. You can also pick them up from your neighbourhood church. If you want to pay a premium you can get the deluxe ones from the Ministry of Vital Statistics and your friendly, neighbourhood family law practitioner. They can also be picked up at your favourite bars and nightclubs and as a bonus you can also upgrade the ones you have while you are there. They are also fun to share. Hide a few under an old lover's pillow - they'll find them when they least expect them. Hours of fun.

Oh, yeah...


Nostalgia is bad. I have this plan of putting most of my old photographs up on my website and was going to scan a bunch in last night. I pulled out my old photo albums and that's when I started to get bummed. My big mistake was looking through my wedding album. It just so happens I got an overdue notice from my lawyer yesterday for the money I still owe on the divorce (fortunately the due date is 3 days after I get paid so I will manage).

A lesson I was taught in the army

"If you don't ask nobody can say no"

Somebody out there was having a problem surprisingly similar to what just happened to me with the Royal Bank. I fixed it by breaking some rules. I guess that makes me a bad ZelleFallhammer. Too bad.

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Crisis Averted

I'll be damned. I milked $70 out of the change jar.

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