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I'm feeling much better now, thanks.

Another bout of moodiness endured. I have moments where I want to change the whole damn world all at once and beat myself up for not having done it yet. They don't exactly represent the best parts of my personality, but I've learned over the years that they are integral to my process. The feeling that I haven't done enough keeps me doing things. The feeling that nothing is quite good enough keeps me improving myself.

I am an idiot

If only I could be cured of my ridiculous obsession with love.

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I don't know what I am more afraid of: being talked about or not being talked about at all.

Trish knows what I am talking about.

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The more I look at my own behaviour the more convinced I become that I suffer from the opposite of seasonal affected disorder. Thankfully rain is coming tonight.

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There are self-cleaning ovens

Why can't this apply to my entire apartment?

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To hell with it all

It's pointless. If I live for a hundred more years or die tomorrow the only difference will be the amount of misery I'll have to endure.

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Cash only

Here I am, still refusing to use a debit card...

And to think, people rioted in Paris when they officially named and numbered the streets because it represented too much of an invasion of privacy.

How did this happen?

I'm actually doing something interesting today. I'm having fun at work. Whoa.

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Suffering for my ideals

See the "New Romantics" sign in the Fleuvog window.

Go in and see brand new pointy shoes.

Love the pointy shoes.

Buy the pointy shoes.

Walk home in the pointy shoes - hey that didn't hurt much!

Consequently decide to walk to work in the pointy shoes.

Show up considerably later than usual and ask the receptionist where the bandages are.

But, damn it, they are pointy Fleuvogs!

Yay! Money!

New 'Vogs!
Yay! New Shoes!
Yay! Pointy 'Vogs!

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