This was a good weekend for me. I went to see "Planet of the Apes" with Mike on Friday, which was fun, even exhausted as I was from not getting enough sleep Wednesday or Thursday nights. I was so tired after that I slipped into my too-tired-to-have-the-good-sense-to-sleep obsessive mode and ended up staying up all night. I was chatting with Trish online and fooling around with the new camera. I spent way too long on the panorama of my studio that I posted at 3am Saturday morning. I ended up getting to bed after my alarm went off, which was still set for 4:30am since I had to be at work at 6am Friday morning.
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Isaac in the sun |
Because of this Saturday ended up being almost a completely lost day. I got up so late Saturday that my day consisted of arranging the details of getting together for the Depeche Mode concert with Trish, vacuuming the studio, getting ready and heading out to the concert. We met up with a bunch of people at Wazubees on Commercial Drive for dinner and drinks before the concert, which was fun. I so rarely get to see some of these people during daylight hours. As a matter of fact I can't think of the last time I saw Isaac by the light of day.
The concert itself was a lot of fun. I don't usually go to stadium concerts and wasn't planning to go originally except Trish needed a human shield between her and Ziv. I was expecting an uncomfortable and odious situation that in fact turned out to not so bad since Ziv (who is shorter than both Trish and I) wandered away for a better view whereas we could see just fine where we were. Before long I found myself dancing in the isle, enjoying the music and the lights, and just generally having a good time.
After the concert we all went to Luv-a-fair on the rumour that the band was going to show up. They didn't, but I got to try out my new camera in a club environment for the first time and got some amazing pictures. I was taking pictures all night, then, suddenly, as I tried to get a picture of Isaac dancing I got hassled by security. "No cameras" I was told - I guess the Luv-a-fair section of GothicBC isn't going to be getting much bigger. Suits me fine, I've been saying for years now that Luv-a-fair smells like a skid-row back alley (spilled alcohol, puke and piss). It ain't exactly my favourite place anymore. Regardless of that, and regardless of the fact that the band didn't show up we stayed until the ugly-lights came up.
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Trish's Knees |
Come Sunday morning I had a hell of a time getting out of bed. I was supposed to have breakfast with Nick and Sandy and drive them out to Elaine's Gothic Yard Sale. If Nick hadn't been clever enough to call me I don't think I would have made it out of bed at all. After some yummy pancakes and bacon we headed out to Elaine's. I came away with a stack of CD's, a old fashioned mixer (now I have to make more cakes) and a soldering gun.
Then it was time for a nap, a shower, and off to Sanctuary, where I had a blast. My new camera kicks ass and I got some genuinely great pictures. Both Daevina and Isaac were playing a lot of older music (and since I'll be 34 tomorrow old-school goth works for me). I didn't drink as much as usual, but for some reason I felt sillier than usual. Maybe it was Trish's cute knees...
Then I ended up winning the door prize at the end of the night. Another set of fangs - I think I'll actually get around to cashing in on them this time (I meant to last time but I just never got around to it!). I'll get someone to come along and take pictures and put them up on the website.
Oringinal post: