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5 Months, 1 Day, and 4½ Hours to go

Yup. This job sucks. How to people do this day in day out? What is really disappointing is that I was hoping that being in an environment with other human beings around would feel less isolated than working by myself out of my studio, but that has turned out not to be the case. When I get home at the end of the day my apartment feels like it has been empty all day and this is not exactly a social environment. I've got to find a way to deal with this...

Welcome to my process


So this is how it works with me:

I only get about 25,000 of these...

...and there goes another one. Another day down the toilet. I was pleased about just marking time at work. The patheticness of this is not lost on me. But I am forming a plan. I will not be doing this forever. With an end (meaning both a finish point and a purpose) in sight I'll make it.

New improved suckage

Actually today hasn't been so bad. They had the quarterly Internet Development Group (IDG) meeting today and that means half the day was nothing but sitting in a boardroom eating doughnuts, drinking coffee and trying not to fall asleep. It's pathetic though. I feel like that guy in "Office Space" - I'm just trying to kill eight hours every day. Two more to go right now...

Oringinal post:

At Lorra's Request

I ain't no kook
Me surfing, early spring 1989.

And while I was spelunking...

Here are a couple for Lorra:

My old surf club's logo from 1988 (135 Kb)

One of my old surf drawings from the same year (200 Kb)

Oringinal post:

I Found It!!

This is for Trish:

Madonna. The paper has yellowed a bit and it is a bit smudged, but what do you want? It was drawn in 1984

And I found a few other rock stars while I was looking:

I need a better camera

Well it's done. I finished the painting of Daevina. The photo of it looks like crap, as do most of the photos of my paintings in my portfolio because my digital camera is cheap like borscht.

Yeah, I'm thrilled.

I'm determined to feign enthusiasm for political purposes, but an hour into my fifth week here and I am bored and depressed. My grey cubicle surrounds me like an anaconda. My mind's eye is fixated on the unfinished painting on my easel and three countdown clocks are ticking in my head... 7 hours left to the day, 4 more days in the week, 5 more months in this contract.

Oringinal post:


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