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I am not slacking

I'm actually testing a program agent to be used in a mail migration in the background. I've got to keep one eye on it to make sure it is working properly. If it doesn't do what it is supposed to I could end up mangling six thousand people's e-mail.

So the damn Royal Bank nitwits haven't returned my money yet. They said Thurday and it still isn't there. I'm going to get paid before this is fixed. I may as well have screwed my landlord over on purpose and not bother post-dating the cheque.

Too Funny

OK I found this posted on the wall of the coffee room and had a good chuckle. It's a tax form for recently laid-off employees. I have friends that fit this bill perfectly complete with the "accidentally forgot to return" laptops sold for rent and BMW payment. Personally the borrowing from your parents thing hit home.

Funny thing about this regular work day stuff: it seems I have a lot less to say. After all who wants to hear about the code I wrote today.

Oringinal post:


It works. Now I can happily update my journal throughout the day and then quickly and easily upload my entries at the end of the day from home so there aren't any incriminating entries in the proxy reports. I've got all the features: picture selection, mood selection, even public/friends/private security. Hehe! Such a geek!

Oringinal post:

Second test, problem with moods...

Oringinal post:

This is the first test of my new offline Notes-based client.




Oringinal post:

Damn student loan people.

They keep phoning me every bloody day - all because they fouled up my instructions and then proceeded to foul up again on the replacement cheque I sent them. It's enough to make a person want to leave the country. Not that I can think of another country I'd want to live in. Maybe I should vote for the BC Separatists - then I can leave the country without moving. That would be convenient.

Salmon day

Yup, I'm liking this regular work thing. Today was nothing but silly problems with the development servers and I got nothing much accomplished. If I was still independent I would have made no money today but with this "job" thing I still made money. Even with getting in late because of the post-dated cheque fiasco I still got six and a half hours in today. I'll work an extra half hour each day this week to make the time back that I lost this morning and I'll still be able to polish the week off with forty hours.

Another tiny murder

Well, the Royal reversed the NSF charge and will be returning the money from the post-dated cheque and mailing me the cheque as well. So the bank side of it is sorted out. It only actually took 15 minutes in the branch to get it all sorted out, but with waiting for the bank to open in the first place and walking to work because of the transit strike I ended up being two hours late for work. That's two hours I'm never going to get back. If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of tiny knives being thrust into my flesh.


I am soooooooo annoyed. I went to put a little money in the bank today after work and was very surprised to find an amount that didn't jive at all with what should have been in there (nothing). This concerned me, so I took a look at my online banking.


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