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I was up past midnight *theoretically* getting my servers and workstation set up like they were in the old place. Well, they're down. Something in the NAT wasn't working right this morning and when I tried to do a remote restart something hung. It's all down now and I can't do a damned thing about it from here and I can't get a hold of Ivana to turn the damn things off and on again.

Just when I thought it was all over *bam* more pissed off clients and lost e-mail.

More Moving Fun and Other Stuff

Yesterday I finished cleaning out my old apartment. What fun that was . I didn't bother filling the little holes in the drywall from where I had hung stuff. I broke my lease so fat chance I'm getting my damage deposit back anyway. It took hours.

Glad to be going

I spent the whole day today ripping up carpet, movng carpet from one room to another, changing locks, packing and other difficult things. I'm sore and exhaused and need to be up at a revoltingly wee hour tomorrow for a gruelling day of moving and yahoo boy upstairs set about to his line-dancing at 11pm sharp. Gotta say, it makes it all seem right. It completely washed away the misplaced guilt I was feeling for citing him as a reason I'm bailing on this place.

The question I really have to ask, do people who actually yell "yahoo" know that they are, by definition, yahoos?

Moving on Saturday

I'm moving Saturday. I pick up the truck at 8am. Who wants to help?

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