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Yes, it was a "real" fire.

The building was evacuated. Fire trucks came. I've now been down and back up eleven stories of stairs (got my exercise for the day!). It was something minor in the upper penthouse floor (didn't know the building had a penthouse until now), probably a false alarm considering how quickly we were allowed back in again and the absence of visible smoke. No sprinklers went off or anything like that. Needless to say people were making joking comments about aeroplanes and such in the stairwell on the way down.

The Cruel Jokes of an Unsympathetic God

How come, without fail, just when you think everything is just fine something always comes along to cast doubt. Why can't, just for once, that grass on the other side of the fence be choked to death by spiny weeds?

Oringinal post:

Sin City

I'm still undecided as to whether I'll go to Sin City tonight. I have a ton of packing to do and if I am going to bugger off for a break I'd rather go see Ivana. I'll see how I feel after I have eaten something...

Oringinal post:

The Wonder Wagon RAWKS

OK, this is so close to the truth I had to post it:

My car is 91 - 115% dependable.


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