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Osama Bin Laden Strikes Again??

Once again New York is struck with an attack on an American icon and more senseless killing.

It must be Bin Laden... unless of course it was orchestrated by the alien reptile masons from Mars...

La Vie Bohème

OK, I have my move to a suburban house coming up, I go to work in a tower wearing a tie (and I like it) and I have been wondering what happened to my Bohemian ideals (I bought the "Moulin Rouge" DVD the other day).


Take The Goth Type Test

OK. I changed my drink of choice from Guinness to coffee and suddenly the results turn around completely. Yet another test falls into the "completely questionable results" category...

Bloody Hell!

Take The Goth Type Test

Another test and the same result. WTF?!!? I am not a mopeygoth!

Oringinal post:


OK, even good jobs have tough Mondays. Yes, it is Wednesday, but after the holidays today is more like the Monday of the year. I'm tired, having gotten into my natural stay-up-late/wake-up-late cycle.

Do you know what today is?

It's the first day of the second year of the third millennium.

Oringinal post:


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