Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2002/04/05 - 11:29am
Wed, 2002/04/03 - 11:38pm
Wed, 2002/04/03 - 11:34pm
Wed, 2002/04/03 - 11:32pm
Wed, 2002/04/03 - 10:52pm
Wed, 2002/04/03 - 12:17pm
This is for "
Hannelle from Amsterdam":
I think the post you are after is this one. It's no so much a critique of Icke (because shape-shifting lizards don't actually merit genuine critique) as an illustration of how a few "facts" can be twisted into a conspiracy theory. There are other posts along this line grouped here.
There's also this comment from a thread which I will archive