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Subject: LINK / Notice to AtRATus and Van-Goth Anti-Purple-fearmongers.
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 23:50:58 +0000
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From: "Purple Crow"
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Firstly, a link:
"WELCOME TO: Purple "Reptoid" Crow's website. This is FUCKED up! Make sure
you visit the cougar page. Cougars are women over 35 for all you blows who
aren't in the know."
~~~ posted by Erik Koil at 12:34 AM
This seems to be from Leaf's personal friend, Erik Coil, who has a
"conspiracy" website, yet he seems to "dislike" my "conspiracy" website.
Hmmmmm. Yeah, that makes sense, sure... LOL :) This is definitely very
typical of the human species to do this to themselves. In fighting... tsk
Erik is this supposed "Reptard Jr" who's been on my case for months now
thanks to Leaf, Michael Barrick and others who seem to pride themselves on
hating me, until this recent "supposed" peace making program that AtRATus
(Barrick) seems to be speaking about. Call me "skeptical", but I'll wait
for a few MONTHS before I buy into his theory. I mean, this fellow has
attacked many of us for months and months now locally and those of you on
this list as well. Do we trust his "white flag waving" - Nope, not most of
us anyway. :)
Michael, your reputation has already been shot, do you think Karma is that
easy to wipe clean? Sorry, dude. Oh and sorry about thinking that you
were the real "Reptard Jr", my mistake. ;) *kiss* See you in our dreams,
honey. Oh, if this is making your blood boil (or whatever that stuff is)
remember, I might be occasionally forgiving about the accidental stepping on
someone's toes, but after a burglar crashes my website and boasts about it
on his OWN site (among other things), uhm, well, it's gonna take me a LONG
time to every trust you or your kind again. Does that make sense? I hope
it does. I'll "be good" when I see that you have given up the ghost and
chilled out for 2-5 months of INACTIVITY first. If that's not "fair" to
you, then you shouldn't have started this whole mess to begin with, dude.
Life's a bitch - and you are beginning to realize that I'm that "life"
(bitch). *kiss* I can play this game any way I want - CHAOS is like that.
I mean you well, as far as not wanting to harm you, but I sure as hell ain't
gonna HELP you out, even if it means helping you clean up the mass you have
made around my name. Your mess, you clean it up.
Here's the deal Michael Barrick and *ALL* before mentioned people in the
Van-Goth crowd:
*** Written apologies *** from all members on each and every site and
LiveJournal list for 2-5 months before I trust they ANY of you are actually
serious about making peace with me. And I want them VERY VISIBLE, not in
the corner of your websites somewhere! That's my offering for this "peace
treaty" - all or nothing for us. We are tired of your screwing around with
all of us and do not want to drag this into the *radio* media, but who knows
with all the people we have on our team on a global scale. Many of us are
interviewed regularly and names begin to become more and more "remembered"
as this trek of "Anti-Purple-hate-literature" yours goes ON and ON and ON.
Can you see where this is going now? You thought I was just some little
nothing - guess again, dude - I'm MASSIVE - Popular in many powerful and
influential circles here and there. I've been very quiet for much of my
life even though I've been lecturing publicly as far back as 1987. I was
talking about "Shape-shirting Reptilians" before Icke even knew they
existed. Why do you think I was directed to him to speak with him privately
LONG ago now? Get the idea? *I* was *directed* to speak with *David Icke*
about my direct etheric encounters with them. And that's not all, Mr.
Barrick. I still talk with David and other even more well known individuals
rather regularly by e-mail and TELEPHONE. Yes, all your names and
activities DO come up in conversation as well. It's only natural for me to
speak about *MY* life and those in my life. YOU are ethericly linked with
me in this way, even though I've divorced myself from you as of the other
night and that grand ritual. ;)
So, how about that pretty POSTED apology on all of your live journals now
about how you have treated us in the past and how much you feel like sh1t
for threatening some of us with death? How about you mention all the
mistakes you all have made and how you are ***TRULY DECENT HUMAN BEINGS***
who have turned over new "Leaf's", (LMAO - so to speak), and are humbling
yourselves for our forgiveness? Then we have a starting ground to work with
- OK? OK, good. I'll be waiting for your efforts to manifest.
That is all for now.
Oringinal post: