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Michael R. Barrick's blog


Who is Vern?

And how come he gets an equinox named after him?

Oringinal post:

Was that too subtle?(see here)

Oringinal post:


I stand corrected

I thought that last one was over the top, I stand corrected. Reptard sets a new standard for lunatic rants.

Oringinal post:

Holy Hippo Spit, Reptard!

He's gone completely over the deep end. In his latest rant he's quoting responses to one of Leaf's posts and attributing it to my journal, he doesn't even have the day right. What happened at HSBC six months ago is Karma for what's happening now? And "my letter was like that of the words of Shakespeare"...?!? Holy mixed up grammar, Batman! He has passed well beyond amusingly delusional into utterly


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