Michael R. Barrick's blog
Tue, 2002/02/26 - 11:51am
From: "Purple Crow"
Date: Mon Feb 25, 2002 4:25 pm
Subject: TO: Kim McCann, Michael Barrick and Michelle M. (look Mom, no "VON")
I know you're here, so I know you'll get this... well, you know what I mean. I know you'll READ it anyway... LMAO :D Whether you "get it" or not remains to be seen.
Mon, 2002/02/25 - 2:25pm
A new thought for the Turkey Conspiracy©:
Artificial insemination is a form of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. This means that the conception of Chirst may well have be done with a turkey-baster.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/189110.html
Mon, 2002/02/25 - 12:29pm
Sun, 2002/02/24 - 11:57pm
Sun, 2002/02/24 - 11:57am
Sabertooth Tharsis |
Sat, 2002/02/23 - 11:05pm
Fri, 2002/02/22 - 11:36pm
Thu, 2002/02/21 - 10:28pm