Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2002/02/04 - 11:51am
Mon, 2002/02/04 - 10:55am
Fri, 2002/02/01 - 2:18pm
Behold my "results":
Your Results Page
Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /usr/www/users/ssmart/FREE/select.php3 on line 266
Warning: MySQL: A link to the server could not be established in /usr/www/users/ssmart/FREE/select.php3 on line 266
Fri, 2002/02/01 - 2:01pm
Some Manhattan subway shots:
Fri, 2002/02/01 - 11:03am
I was up past midnight *theoretically* getting my servers and workstation set up like they were in the old place. Well, they're down. Something in the NAT wasn't working right this morning and when I tried to do a remote restart something hung. It's all down now and I can't do a damned thing about it from here and I can't get a hold of Ivana to turn the damn things off and on again.
Just when I thought it was all over *bam* more pissed off clients and lost e-mail.
Thu, 2002/01/31 - 11:30am
Wed, 2002/01/30 - 9:15am
Yesterday I finished cleaning out my old apartment. What fun that was
. I didn't bother filling the little holes in the drywall from where I had hung stuff. I broke my lease so fat chance I'm getting my damage deposit back anyway. It took hours.