Fri, 2014/04/11 - 3:18pm
Once again I am (hopelessly) in the running for the Vancouver Nightlife Awards. I got the e-mail that voting had opened and took a look to see who was in the running this year for the photographers and was actually surprised to see my name. No one said, "boo" to me this year about it, I don't even know who nominated me this time. Nonetheless, there I am.
So you can go vote for me if you like at
Fri, 2014/04/11 - 3:15pm
Once again I am (hopelessly) in the running for the Vancouver Nightlife Awards. I got the e-mail that voting had opened and too a look to see who was in the running this year for the photographers and was actually surprised to see my name. No one said, "boo" to me this year about it, I don't even know who nominated me this time. Nonetheless, there I am.
Sun, 2014/03/02 - 1:46pm
In this tiny park in Nanaimo, which is actually the site of Nanaimo's original cemetery and called "Nanaimo Pioneer Cemetary Park", is the only grave on Canadian soil of a casualty of the Crimean War of 1854-56. The didactic plaque embedded into the wall reads...
Thu, 2014/01/16 - 11:45am