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Gothic BC

[Gothic BC] By Name View Fixed

Whoops. Looks like when I was fixing the Top Picks view in the photo gallery on Tuesday I managed to break the By Name view. Thanks to Ashton for letting me know about the problem so I could fix it.

[Gothic BC] Top Pictures and the NSFW Filter

Fixed a problem with the Top Picks view in the photogallery where NSFW images were not showing regardless of the NSFW filter settings.

Go Crawl Yourself

First off, happy new year, blah, blah, blah, [insert navel-gazing year-in-review/big-plans-for-2008 post here]. There, that's done.

At the moment I'm working on some post-relaunch tweaks for Gothic BC and was looking at the logs. In between the people who think I get up at 6:00 a.m. after getting in from the club at 5:00 a.m. and am going to magically download and catalogue 400 photos off my camera, weed through them for the 150 or so worth posting, processes them, and have them posted on the site by 6:15 a.m. (reality: I got up about an hour ago and the camera is still in the bag) who are already scouring the site for last night's pictures, there are a gazillion hits from someone crawling the site for video content with a VEOH client.

This is uncool. First off, there is no video content on Gothic BC, nor will there be for some time to come, if ever. Secondly, as I understand it VEOH is effectively a P2P service which would mean I could potentially have dozens of these clients crawling the site effectively amounting to, given my limited bandwidth, a DDoS attack. No thanks.

Apache rewrite module to the rescue:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} veoh [NC]

RewriteRule .* [F,L]

[Gothic BC] Calendar Fixed

OK, I knew it had to be simple and that a little bit of sleep would help. I forgot to update one site-specific setting after moving the app from the dev environment to production. What's ironic is the particular setting in question is part of the code I submitted to the calendar module to fix the very problem I was having. D'oh!

[Gothic BC] The Calendar is Broken

Poop. It seems the calendar isn't working properly on the live site, yet is working just fine on the development site. It's a bit too late (or early) for me to figure out WTF is different. Hopefully it isn't a big deal and it's just because I'm tired that it isn't obvious to me right now.

[Gothic BC] New Gothic BC for 2008

I've just made the newest incarnation of Gothic BC live. I've been working on this since late October and I really don't know how many hours I've put into this to get it to a workable state. There is plenty more work to be done, but hey, I've been plugging away at this for almost 10 years now and there is always more work to be done.

So what's new in the new Gothic BC? ...

[Gothic BC] Blogging on Gothic BC

This being the first blog post on Gothic BC, it should probably be a little more momentous than it is.

"One small step to blog; one giant pain to set up."


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