Thu, 2008/08/21 - 5:26pm
I've made some tweaks that have the site rendering pages noticably faster. I am pleased. That is all.
Wed, 2008/07/23 - 11:18pm
Sat, 2008/06/28 - 8:45pm
Sorry folks. This is very last minute, but I won't be at Sin City tonight. I got as far as packing up my camera bag and was about to get changed and disgusting sneezing fit #342 of the day convinced me that going out would be a bad idea. I've officially called in sick. See you all next time.
Sun, 2008/05/25 - 2:38am
Well, here I am, home again from another night running the photo-booth at Sin City. No one attending the booth would have noticed, but tonight was very nearly a disaster. I forgot significant pieces of my gear - the cable that lets me use the radio trigger for my slave flash, the diffuser for my primary flash, and (a huge oversight) a memory card for the camera!
Mon, 2008/05/12 - 11:46pm
O.K., so I didn't get to posting pictures tonight, but I added a new feature to the photogallery!
Mon, 2008/03/17 - 8:01pm
I've just added a recent activity view to the forums that shows the threads with the most recent activity sorted in reverse chronological order. This should make it easier to keep tabs on what's new in the forum.
Sun, 2008/02/10 - 4:45pm
There will be no Gothic BC photo booth at the next Sin City.
Mon, 2008/01/28 - 10:13pm
I've update the Dark Vancouver feed for the News Aggregator to deal with the changes that have come with ezBoard becoming Yuku. And even though Yuku has RSS feeds I am still using my custom feed builder because Yuku's feeds are yukky. Is it so damn hard to write an RSS feed that even comes close to complying with the RSS specs?