Sun, 2014/08/17 - 11:42am
The news from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Great story on French aerial bombing of German Zeppelin shed.
- Analysis of the role of torpedoes and submarines as the most dangerous weapons of modern war...
Sat, 2014/08/16 - 3:37pm
News out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Panama Canal officially open (dateline Aug. 15)
- Full-page retrospective on the War of 1812 in the Sunday pull-out
- Great illustration of "A Garden-Party Frock" in the women's section Sunday pull-out
- ...
Fri, 2014/08/15 - 8:16am
News out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Germany now fighting on two fronts.
- Both Japan and Turkey expected to make formal declarations of war soon (the latter against Britain and the former with Britain).
- "L.O.L. Public Meeting" - in 1914 L.O.L. meant "Loyal Orange Lodge"...
Thu, 2014/08/14 - 12:05pm
News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- A little reminder that some things have changed in a century: a German spy is caught releasing a carrier pigeon on a train from Antwerp.
- The "500 young men" mentioned in Great Big Sea's 1997 song "The Recruiting Sergeant" sign up in Newfoundland.
- ...
Wed, 2014/08/13 - 9:34am
News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Map of the European war zone on the front page
- Great editorial about how the Colonist will not print and will not pay the Associated Press for unverified, sensational stories, which goes on to pan the American press...
Tue, 2014/08/12 - 8:15am
News out of Victoria 100 years ago today:
- "Blood Indians" [Kainai] offer money and man-power to serve the British Empire
- $40,000 ear-marked for expansion of Victoria drill-hall
- South Wellington destroyed by fire
- ...
Mon, 2014/08/11 - 8:29am
#dailycolonist1914 - News from Victoria, 100 years ago today:
- Warnings that large battles are imminent.
- Chronology of the war so far printed
- Italy backing out of alliance with Germany and Austria, trying to remain neutral.
- ...
Sun, 2014/08/10 - 11:06am
#dailycolonist1914 - News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Japan has dispatched ships. Japanese immigrants in Vancouver agree to support Canada and the British Empire.
- The Ottoman Empire masses troops off the border of Bulgaria.
- ...
Sat, 2014/08/09 - 3:03pm
#dailycolonist1914 - This was a Sunday edition.
- British expeditionary forces arrive in Belgium.
- German and Austria threaten to declare war on Italy is they remain neutral (I could not help but head Zap Brannigan's voice when reading this.)
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Fri, 2014/08/08 - 9:51am
#dailycolonist1914 - News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Mostly flag waving and propaganda today, very little news of substance
- Maharajah of Nepal offers his army to British service, "The majority of his troops are of the Gurkha tribe, the most famous soldiers in India."
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