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It may be a long weekend, but my inbox is still full of...

It may be a long weekend, but my inbox is still full of important things that require my immediate attention.

Because a certain OMD song same up on random play while I was...

Because a certain OMD song same up on random play while I was driving home from the grocery store I was reminded of this very strange fact: for a time, via my first wife, I was related to the man who took this picture. His name was Russell Gackenbach and he was the navigator of the B-29 designated V-91 (later named “Necessary Evil”), one of the two observation aircraft that followed the “Enola Gay” on the Hiroshima mission.

Tharsismas nip rave

Merry Tharsismas, everyone. On this day in 1998, Tharsis, a...

Merry Tharsismas, everyone. On this day in 1998, Tharsis, a genius among cats, the Platonic ideal from which the very idea of “cat” is descended, namesake to the Land of Tharsis, the westernmost land on Cat World, and the flagship of its defence, the Dread Zeppelin Tharsis, was born.

Chief Petting Officer Vidma, now empirically proven to be cuter...

Chief Petting Officer Vidma, now empirically proven to be cuter than borscht, is using her skills as Chief Engineer of the Dread Zeppelin Tharsis to get fur into the hardest-to-reach corners.


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