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The Book of Old Ships (and Something of Their Evolution and...

The Book of Old Ships (and Something of Their Evolution and Romance)
Illustrated by Gordon Grant, 1924
Text by Henry B. Culver, 1924
Bonanza Books, US, reprint 1974

Veteran Cars: The Formative Years of Motoring

Veteran Cars: The Formative Years of Motoring
F. Wilson McComb, 1974
Hamlyn Publishing Group, UK/US/AU/CA, 1974
printed in Czechosolvakia

Great Collectors’ Cars

Great Collectors’ Cars
Gianni Rogliatti, 1970
Grosset & Dunlap, US, 1973

Those Wonderful Old Automobiles

Those Wonderful Old Automobiles
Floyd Clymer, 1953
Bonanza Books, US, reprint 1955

Yesterday I found that Vidma had tucked herself in a...

Yesterday I found that Vidma had tucked herself in a ridiculously cute way so I grabbed my phone for a picture which Malenky suddenly decided he needed to walk across her to photo-bomb.


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