Michael R. Barrick's blog
Wed, 2001/05/30 - 9:27pm
I found a much better way of "photographing" my recent paintings and have re-done the pictures of the most recent six in my portfolio.
Wed, 2001/05/30 - 6:53pm
Fucking spam:
You've taken an important first step in changing your life.
Hi, my name is Don. Are you someone who is ready for a Financial Change? If yes, please read this email.
I assure you that your time will not be wasted.
Are you tired of your J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)? Do you feel like there is just never enough money? Feel insecure?
Did you know that there are even many Dot Coms going belly-up?
Wed, 2001/05/30 - 6:42pm
Some little thing is funnier than it should be:
"Now what kind of tree can you be on the floor, Janet?"
"I'm a fucking shrub, all right?!"
(Girl Interrupted)
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/31597.html
Wed, 2001/05/30 - 6:03pm
Interesting. As I shed my work clothes for a pair of ratty black jeans and a Skinny Puppy t-shirt old enough to get into the bar on it's own I remembered my mother telling me about my grandfather changing into his scruffiest clothes after finishing work at the bank. Yes, my grandfather worked in a bank. I never knew him. He died in 1948 at the age of 48. Men in my family don't live long. This is part of my concern about wasting my life...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/31390.html
Wed, 2001/05/30 - 11:22am
Yup. This job sucks. How to people do this day in day out? What is really disappointing is that I was hoping that being in an environment with other human beings around would feel less isolated than working by myself out of my studio, but that has turned out not to be the case. When I get home at the end of the day my apartment feels like it has been empty all day and this is not exactly a social environment. I've got to find a way to deal with this...
Tue, 2001/05/29 - 8:48pm
Tristen |
So this is how it works with me:
Tue, 2001/05/29 - 6:18pm
...and there goes another one. Another day down the toilet. I was pleased about just marking time at work. The patheticness of this is not lost on me. But I am forming a plan. I will not be doing this forever. With an end (meaning both a finish point and a purpose) in sight I'll make it.
Tue, 2001/05/29 - 2:03pm
Actually today hasn't been so bad. They had the quarterly Internet Development Group (IDG) meeting today and that means half the day was nothing but sitting in a boardroom eating doughnuts, drinking coffee and trying not to fall asleep. It's pathetic though. I feel like that guy in "Office Space" - I'm just trying to kill eight hours every day. Two more to go right now...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/30355.html