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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Oh, yeah...

What am I whining about?


Nostalgia is bad. I have this plan of putting most of my old photographs up on my website and was going to scan a bunch in last night. I pulled out my old photo albums and that's when I started to get bummed. My big mistake was looking through my wedding album. It just so happens I got an overdue notice from my lawyer yesterday for the money I still owe on the divorce (fortunately the due date is 3 days after I get paid so I will manage).

A lesson I was taught in the army

"If you don't ask nobody can say no"

Somebody out there was having a problem surprisingly similar to what just happened to me with the Royal Bank. I fixed it by breaking some rules. I guess that makes me a bad ZelleFallhammer. Too bad.

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Crisis Averted

I'll be damned. I milked $70 out of the change jar.

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Details at 11

OK, I need to go to bed like a good ZelleFallhammer, but just to pique your curiosity:

Trish gave me a fish and touched my thing,

I touched Jen's boob,

and Nic kissed me.

So there.

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No soup for you!

I'm just in that kind of mood...

You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

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I was in a mood to hear something I hadn't listed to in a while and pulled my old Generation X albums out. This stuff kicks ass!

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Shut up, Trish.

I took the nerdity test.

Nerdity Quotient: 56.80% (284/500)

N.B. Not only am I enough of a nerd to have done this at all, I did it after mindnight on a Saturday night after spending the evening playing chess with someone ;-)

(And I edited this entry three times to make corrections and ammendments!)

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Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered


I just spent the evening playing chess with Ivana. What do I do with her? Half of me wants to throw my hands up in frustration and walk away, the other half wants to buy a ring. I've got the little miniature-me angel and devil characters on my shoulders giving my advice, only I don't know which one is which. It's not even a clear cut head/heart dichotomy - I have sensible reasons for going either way, I have strong feelings on both sides of the fence. I am the perfect example of ambivalence. I am vehemently ambivalent.


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