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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Just over an hour to go

I'm so tired. I want to go home and eat, paint, draw, work on the Sin City website, and just generally get the fuck out of here.

Oringinal post:

If you are a secret fan of coma babies...

The Vancouver Province, once upon a time a real newspaper, seems to be degrading even further into the realm of yellow press lately, only marginally floating above the level of the Weekly World News. They seem to be targeting the technophobia their readers lately. Today's headline is "Cellphone Companies Secretly Developing Cancer Shields" and on Friday the cover story was about a doctor at Vancouver General Hospital that provided cadavers to the US millitary for secret radiation experiments.

Back to "Normal"

Yup. Here I am again, cozy in my grey box, drinking coffee just to stay awake and trying to decide how to escape the mediocrity I have fallen into. There is only so much musing I can do over my condition here before it all becomes redundant. How many times can I ramble about the mind-numbing pedestrianism of this before my complaints themselves become hackneyed? What do I have to add that you can't see in "Office Space" or read in a "Dilbert" cartoon?

"You should have checked your horoscope in THE POST"

"It's time for a new set of illusions that will serve you better in the coming week. Resisting the inevitable isn't going to help you feel anything but frustrated, Leo. Work on accepting the cosmic drift that blows through your world on a regular basis. "

(not from The Post, but rather

Oringinal post:

I hate being harmless

I really have to work on the whole asshole/fuckhead thing or I may never have sex again. Nobody sleeps with the nice guy. It is starting to get on my nerves...

Oringinal post:

Killing Time

I'm just sitting here with Tharsis, drinking a Bombay and Tonic, waiting for Trish to come over. It should be an interesting night, there is drama waiting to unfold. This is my life. I'm not sure how I got here. But here I am nonetheless.

"That's not a woman! That's a man, man!"

Bwaaahahaha So much for nostalgia.

So I just spent the afternoon at Shona's party with my ex-wife in attendance. I haven't actually seen her in a few years. My jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw her. Holy bull-dyke from hell! I realized my reaction was pretty obvious so I quickly made a comment about her hair looking good short and carried on.

Save me Geebus

OK, some highlights of the evening:

Don't you hate it when... know more about a problem than the person who is supposed to fix it?

This scares me

OK. I'm sick. I have established that. Walking three kilometres is hard and my reactions are impaired. I'm also making stupid mistakes and just generally having a hard time thinking. OK, whatever, that's just being sick. But if I were out of shape and stupid my whole life would be like this. That's scary. There are armies of lazy-ass, stupid people out there like this everyday, diving their cars to work.


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