Last week I was on Bad Vibes on CFRO. This is the set-list from that show. My bit starts with The Vampire Club by Voltaire, and you can listen to it here. From that point on Marc Godfrey and I were picking from a list of music that I brought with me depending on how the conversation went. I came armed with almost three hours of music for a one hour interview, with everything picked for a reason. What I want to do for the next little while is run through those choices, including the ones that we didn't get to, and talk about why I picked them.
Something to add to my balcony garden, I think. As the video below explains, these were developed by the University of Oregon by cross-breeding programme aimed at increacing anti-oxydants in tomatoes. Of course the marketing photos and the viral stuff going around about these only show the best and blackest tomatoes. Like many "black" plants, in reality these will tend to grow more purple than absolutely black, but still, pretty cool looking.
Don't forget to tune your radio receiving devices to 100.5 MHz on the frequency modulated (FM) band today at 3:30 to listen to me tell stories of the glorious past like a goth Grandpa Simpson.
An article for the "Women's Realm" section of the Daily Colonist out of Victoria, British Columbia, published March 8, 1916 about New York City sweat-shop workers organizing:
A Women's Strike
Women have reason to be proud of the result of a strike which recentl took place in the city of New York. It has been conducted without disorder and was successful in gaining for those who took part in it shorter hours, better conditions of working, and higher wages.