Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2017/02/13 - 9:38am
*ugh* E-mail for mbarrick.net, mbarrick.com and gothic.bc.ca (and less-importantly, araneum.ca) has been down since the wee hours of Sunday morning. I didn't even notice until Sunday night because I got off to such a slow start yesterday. And it's not just ordinary 'just restart the service' down, but 'hosting company managed to have a catastrophic RAID failure that took out a whole bank of virtual servers' down / 'full restore over a slow connection' down.
Mon, 2017/02/06 - 11:46pm
It started snowing a little before 4:00. I left work at UBC at 5:00 and walked to the diesel-bus loop. It was already a tragic shit-show. One articulated bus as stuck at one end of the loop. There were multiple "transit supervisor" vehicles, but no actual supervision and a lot of chaos. I walked over to Bay 1a for the 480 and there were already enough people to fill an articulated bus waiting in line. I waited for a bit and watching what was going on with the other buses. A 43, a 49 and 41 went by, all stuffed past the red line.
Mon, 2017/01/23 - 11:19am
Tue, 2016/12/13 - 4:25pm
In Classical times, being "one in a million" at something meant having about 170 peers in that field, spread out all over a world that took months or years to traverse such that the chances of directly interacting or competing with one was next to none. Even by the Renaissance, when "one in a million" meant about 500 peers, it remains remarkable that, for example Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo interacted and had a direct rivalry.
Sun, 2016/12/11 - 1:22pm
No one noticed when I quit LinkedIn months ago. But everyone lost their minds Friday when I purged my Facebook account. No one seemed to notice that no one was unfriended from any other social media site I am active on... Pinterest, Instragram, G+, YouTube, Ello, etc. and no one was removed from any of the Facebook groups and pages where I am an admin. I still have the same e-mail addresses I've had for decades. I still have the same phone number I've had for 14 years, which, incidentally is listed and my name is not a secret.
Sat, 2016/12/10 - 1:30pm
#ineedfeminismbecause I have emotions. I should not be called "a 12-year old", "weak", "a fag" or "pathetic" whenever I have an emotional reaction that is not anger, and treated like a monster if I do get angry, even though I haven't actually struck anyone in anger since I was ten years old.