After about a year in Paris, with Lise continuing to work at her perfume shop job and Jerry’s paintings not selling, Jerry convinces Lise to move to New York with him in the hopes that he will be more successful in the burgeoning New York art scene.
Being left out, ignored, under- or un- valued, these are the worst things for me, And the more it happens the less I feel I have anything to offer. So I withdraw. And then people forget I am even here. And it spirals down.
You get used to things. At work, four times a year, the logistics of changing out the show happen remarkably smoothly. Pretty much impossible to move things are shipped in and out and the whole space is transformed. Often walls are built and torn down, thousands of square feet of wall are repainted. Later today I'll be going down to a nightclub that will be transformed in a window of two hours.