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Up and Down

Looking down from a landmark building. See if you can guess the city before following the cut. The picture under the cut is looking up from the opposing angle this one is looking down from, from the position of the crosswalk you can see at the top edge of the frame at the centre.


The more I look into it, the more I am liking Melbourne. It looks a lot like Vancouver, only a bit bigger and with a little less of an identity crisis. There seem to be a lot of cool old apartments downtown and the rents are a little cheaper than Vancouver. It's striking me as the bastard child of Vancouver and New York. Obviously that appeals to me.

OK. This is funny stuff.

I am so irritated!  bitogoth said they wanted to play WoW but thefuzzbros wanted to do something else :-(. 

This entry automatically generated by the LJ Drama Generator!


And Now for the *Not So Irish*

Irish Things

It Just Keeps Getting Better!

The office on the other side of me has now been emptied and the one remaining print on the wall seen in my previous photograph has now been taken away. I now face a blank wall with two screws sticking out of it and the pile of detrius on the floor.

If anyone touches my stapler I'm burning the building down.


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