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The "Copyright Infringement" meme

As done by numerous friends...
  1. go to Google
  2. click on the "images" tab
  3. type in your answers to each question, and click search
  4. answer with the first available picture you get back

The Other Victoria

I sent a résumé off to Victoria today, only this time I'm not talking about the capitol of British Columbia, but the Australian state. Today's winner in the "what city will I send a résumé to today" lottery is Melbourne.

Oringinal post:

Canadian Trivia

Try it. On three games I ended up with an aggregate total of 29/30. My Canadianness is obscene.

Oringinal post:

Open Letter to Condoleezza Rice from Lloyd Axworthy

This is great. Some excerpts:
I know it seems improbable to your divinely guided master in the White House that mere mortals might disagree with participating in a missile-defence system that has failed in its last three tests, even though the tests themselves were carefully rigged to show results.

...control-freak antics may work in the virtual one-party state that now prevails in Washington. But in Canada we have a residual belief that politicians should be subject to a few checks and balances, an idea that your country once espoused before the days of empire. a friend on your border, we will offer a different, independent point of view. And that there are times when truth must speak to power.


And the City of the Day is...

Sydney, Australia.

Off goes another résumé to *another* country.

Oringinal post:


Think Different

The Mac slogan as it applies to Safari.

When it comes to rendering engines for web browsers there are two that matter and the one Apple decided to use as their default browser.


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