Four and Twenty Black-Birds Baked in a Pie
Sat, 2005/06/18 - 1:40am
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Crow has be eaten. After promotion of the "Defend Marriage Project"'s
misleading fake "referendum" started getting promotion outside their preferred circle of rednecks and fundies, the dynamic of the voting changed radically. Because they initially promoted only to their own, the vote started out with an overwhelming majority voting on the side of homophobia, bigotry, and unequal treatment under the law. In the last few days, with the voting getting out to a more general sampling of the public, the dynamic changed. The balance of voting shifted to about 1:1 no/yes on the 15th, 1:2 no/yes on the 16th, and nearly 1:3 no/yes on the 17th. Faced with the reality of their "referendum" blowing up in their faces as a broader sampling of Canadians were voting three to one in favour of same-sex marriages, the "Defend Marriage Project" has cried "fraud!" — obviously refusing to acknowledge what they don't want to hear. At the three to one margin they would have been presenting the (true) case that the majority Canadians are in favour of same-sex marriage before the end of next week, contrary to their own homophobic agenda.
I recommend checking back at the "referendum" page over the next few weeks, and when they decide it is "safe" to preach to the converted again, get the "yes" votes pouring in again.
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