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The Woodward's church lady is *still* attending to her corner.

Oringinal post:

Silly Stuff at Work

A Short Example on How To Get People to Look at You Like You Just Sprouted a Second Head with the Effective Use of Obscure Trivia


June is "Bike Month". June is also "Stroke Month".

Apparently the thing to do this month is have a stroke trying to ride your bicycle.


Mastophobia from the Greek μαστος (mastos), meaning breast. and φοβος (phobos) fear - fear of breasts. You might think this should be mammophobia or mammaphobia, but mamma is Latin and a correctly formed phobia name should be formed with the Greek to match the "phobia" part, although there are a lot of exceptions.

Amusing Music Meme via <lj user="mermaid23">

Put your music player on shuffle.

Press forward for each question.

Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don't make sense.


♪ Monkey Chow, For a Full Week, 'Till He's Full♪ ... um... not sure where to go with that.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most brilliantly absurd thing I have seen in months.
Imagine going to the grocery store only once every 6 months. Imagine paying less than a dollar per meal. Imagine never washing dishes, chopping vegetables or setting the table ever again. It sounds pretty good, doesn't it?


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