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The bus driver is getting network advice from someone picked up on skid row. Dumb and dumber.

Oringinal post:



Abbreviating Does Not Always Make Your Organization Seem Hipper

I am on the bus, travelling along Hastings Street. In the Skid Row area I noticed that the Union Gospel Hospice has a shiny new sign.

If I was a rummy looking to turn a new leaf, UGH wouldn't be my first choice of places to live.

Oringinal post:

This is why testing is good.

Thanks to whoever it was with a Shaw Cable account in downtown Vancouver this morning at 9:30 a.m. that chose to bounce a test of my Domino-based GeoIP lookup off a proxy server in Taiwan. You've got me thinking now about how I might want to handle people hiding behind foreign proxies vs.

Little Help?

I'd like a little help with testing a geographical lookup I'm working on.


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