Tue, 2014/09/09 - 8:21am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
There is a lot of the "usual" vague stories of troop movements and lists of casualties, lacking in detail because of censorship. The propaganda aimed to incense Americans seems to be over for now, although there is one, one paragraph story stating nothing more than the Kaiser has sent a letter to President Wilson without any mention of what might be in the letter.
• More intimations that it will be a long war of attrition
• Vancouver calls for coastal defences
• Interesting ads, and more...
Mon, 2014/09/08 - 8:50am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Germans are approaching Paris. A map of Paris is printed on the front page.
• Funding for the Canadian Northern Railway is secured, despite fears that funds might be withheld because of the war
• Germans sink a British ship, killing 242 men.
• A British submarine sinks ships in Bremerhaven Harbour
• The Komagata Maru arrives in Yokohama...
Sat, 2014/09/06 - 9:03am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. A slow news day, but as it is the Sunday edition with the magazine section there are still a lot of interesting things. This post also features several lovely illustrations that ran with the ads in the paper.
Fri, 2014/09/05 - 1:43pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today, including a new angle on the vilification of the Germans, contributions for B.C. to the war effort, and more...
Thu, 2014/09/04 - 4:18pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
"Battle Front Quiet for Day" is the lead headline and the triple trend over the last few days of not disguising the horrors, front-page features of German atrocities, and an American spin on stories continues what appears to be a propaganda push aimed directly at the United States...
Wed, 2014/09/03 - 4:41pm
News from Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Instead of an image of the front page, I'm leading off with an article that a certain Mrs. Goethals will find amusing: "Mrs. Goethals Arrested".
• Fantastic stories of a second Zeppelin attack on Antwerp, dog-fights over Paris, and other aerial conflicts [remembering that most people around here may not have even seen an aeroplane yet].
• Russia has renamed St. Petersburg to Petrograd and asked other cities with German names to Russianize..
• Lots more...
Tue, 2014/09/02 - 8:22am
The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. As much as yesterday was a slow news day, today was a busy one. My selections are not a comprehensive account of what was interesting in today's paper....
Mon, 2014/09/01 - 12:39pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Really a pretty sparse news day. Almost everything is rehashing of previously published reports.
• There are more hints at the enormity of the death and destruction that is happening.
• More anxiety over whether Turkey will enter the war
• Report of the utter destruction behind German lines in Belgium
• Britain is starting to talk about a draft
• More calls for volunteers
Sun, 2014/08/31 - 9:49am
News from Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
This is the last of the Monday extra editions, and it is pretty scant. It's one sheet of paper again. The two pages inside the fold are the same two-page map that was published in the Sunday magazine section and there is another large map taking up about a third of the last page. The front page is about one quarter image, so there is barely more than one page of news, and some of that is reprints and rehashing of old news. However, there are still some interesting things...
Sat, 2014/08/30 - 10:13am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
Not much new to fill out the Sunday edition today.
• A more in-depth report of the British attack on the German naval fortress of Heligoland that was first reported yesterday
• A two page map of Europe, presumably filler.
• Some news on troop movements into northwest France
• News that more Canadians will be shipping out, and calls for more volunteers
• More German atrocities tossed in here and there
• Interesting advice for men regarding "Mercenary Girlfriends" in the Sunday pull-out.
• Really interesting casual mention of how the Vikings "discovered America centuries before Columbus" - remembering that this paper is from 1914 and L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland was not discovered until 1960.