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turkey conspiracy

Turkey Conspiracy "News"

Turkey Terrorists!

This just in from one of the many turkey researchers I have world-wide...
Turkeys terrorise town


ROCKLAKE, North Dakota is is a town besieged by turkeys.

The birds were raised on a Rocklake farm but left to fend for themselves when the family left, said Towner County Deputy Jerry Martin.

Turkey Conspiracy!!

Today is the day of course where the biggest turkey of them all, George W. Bush, does the annual turkey pardon.

Turkey Stuff(ing)

To here are the turkeys on the Hotel Vancouver that I mentioned when I started this.

Nominae Pater, et Filius, et Turkey-Baster sanctum.

A new thought for the Turkey Conspiracy©:

Artificial insemination is a form of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. This means that the conception of Chirst may well have be done with a turkey-baster.

Oringinal post:


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