Wed, 2022/04/13 - 12:30am
Tharsismas nip rave
Tue, 2022/04/12 - 6:30pm
Merry Tharsismas, everyone. On this day in 1998, Tharsis, a genius among cats, the Platonic ideal from which the very idea of “cat” is descended, namesake to the Land of Tharsis, the westernmost land on Cat World, and the flagship of its defence, the Dread Zeppelin Tharsis, was born.
Tue, 2022/04/12 - 12:30pm
Chief Petting Officer Vidma, now empirically proven to be cuter than borscht, is using her skills as Chief Engineer of the Dread Zeppelin Tharsis to get fur into the hardest-to-reach corners.
Mon, 2022/04/11 - 12:30pm
Monday morning. Malenky is already hard at work ensuring there’s enough fur on the couch.
Sun, 2022/04/10 - 12:30am
As a Canadian, how did I not know this until today‽
Thu, 2022/03/31 - 6:30pm
Sometimes the 21st century lives up to the golden age of sci-fi. This morning I had trouble parking the communal hybrid-electric car I’d reserved using my pocket-computer/video-phone because a coronal mass ejection on the Sun yesterday was causing radio interference in the magnetosphere, upsetting the accuracy of the global positioning satellite network.
Thu, 2022/03/31 - 12:30pm
Can’t get out of bed; there is a Malenky cat purring in my ear.
Tue, 2022/03/29 - 6:30pm
Air Progress - World’s Great Aircraft
Edward G. Tripp, Publisher, 1972
Peterson Publishing Co., US, 1972
Tue, 2022/03/29 - 3:30pm
Veteran and Vintage Cars
Peter Roberts, 1974
Octopus Books, UK, 1974
printed in Hong Kong
Tue, 2022/03/29 - 12:30pm
Collector’s Cars
Lee Culpepper, 1979
Octopus Books, US, 1979
printed in Hong Kong
ex libris signature on title page, “Ralph F. Barrick”