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I saw a screencap of this, that I now cannot find, where someone...

I saw a screencap of this, that I now cannot find, where someone replied with a picture of an articulated bus without any further commentary. That’s funny enough, and says everything there is to say about commuting by bus—but as a further extrapolation I now cannot stop thinking of cars as chaotic minor demons running willy-nilly over the urban hellscape.

Hitler: the victory that nearly was

Hitler: the victory that nearly was
Bruce Quarrie, 1988
David & Charles Publishers, US, 1988 Book Club edition
ex libris signature: Ralph Barrick

Knights of the Black Cross: Hitler’s Panzerwaffe and Its...

Knights of the Black Cross: Hitler’s Panzerwaffe and Its Leaders
Bryan Perrett, 1986
St. Martin’s Press, US, 1986 Book Club edition

The Art of War

The Art of War
Baron Antoine-Henri de Jomini, 1838
The West Point Military Library, Greenwood Press, US, 1971 Book Club edition

Too funny. I’m at the dentist. I forgot my umbrella here...

Too funny. I’m at the dentist. I forgot my umbrella here last time. It was still in the umbrella bucket.

Today I saw someone displaying a Canadian flag in just about the...

Today I saw someone displaying a Canadian flag in just about the only remaining context not tainted by the #FluTruxKlan and alt-right fucknuttery

The Shame and the Glory - Dieppe

The Shame and the Glory - Dieppe
Terence Robertson, 1962
McClelland and Stewart Ltd., CA, 1962

Years of Sorrow, Years of Shame

Years of Sorrow, Years of Shame
The Story of Japanese Canadians in World War II
Barry Broadfoot, 1977
Doubleday Canada Ltd., CA, 1977 first edition

Six War Years 1939-1945

Six War Years 1939-1945
Memories of Canadians at Home and Abroad
Barry Broadfoot, 1974
Doubleday Canada Ltd., CA, 1974 first edition


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