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photo gallery

[Gothic BC] Big Site Update - Prints Now Available!

I'm very pleased to announce the long overdue return of being able to order prints of your pictures here on Gothic BC with prints starting at $1.65 for a 4" ? 6" print. 

[Gothic BC] Old Photos in the RSS Feed

Right now the Latest Photos RSS Feed is picking up older photos an in turn feeding these out to our Google+ and Facebook pages. While this is an unexpected glitch from something really great and long overdue that I started working on, I'm not going to be doing anything about it. I'm looking at it as a "happy accident" ? la Bob Ross... enjoy the retrospective!

[Gothic BC] Hallowe'en Season Photo Booths

This Hallowe'en season the Gothic BC photo booth will be at two events: The Glamour Trash Hallow'en Ball at Hindenburg (formerly Club 23 West) Hallowe'en night and Sin City at Imperial on November 1st.

This Sin City will mark the end of the Gothic BC photo booth with prints available on the spot. 

[Gothic BC] New Site Update for July 24, 2014

New site updates since the June 28, 2014 update

This is both a major and a minor update. Minor in the sense that there haven't been any changes to end-user functionality, but major in the sense that a lot of work went into the back-end this month.

[Gothic BC] Site update for June 28, 2014

New site updates since the May 29, 2014 update.

This is an important one that you might want to read since some of your settings have changed.

  • Not that we have ever spammed, but just to be sure we are meeting the letter of the law with the new anti-spam legislation notification for tagging in the photo gallery and comment notifications have been turned off for everyone. If you want to get notification of tags you'll have to go to your user settings and turn the notifcation on. Likewise if you were following comments on any thread, you'll have to go make a new comment on that thread to resubscribe to it.

[Gothic BC] Site updates for January 5, 2014

Here's what's new since the last site update:

[Gothic BC] Site updates

New features and fixes as of Christmas Eve:

  • Removed some over-zealous spam protection on the user profile form that was inadvertently blocking new accounts as soon as they were created.
  • More...

[Gothic BC] New Features for the Photo Gallery

  • There are share buttons available in both the full-screen / phone view and the image rate/tag/comment pages. 
  • Rating buttons are prettier and easier to use on a phone
  • On the photo gallery thumbnail pages a shift-click will take you directly to the rate/tag/comment page, bypassing the full screen view.
  • The rate/comment/tag link in the full-screen view opens in a new tab so you don't lose your place in the gallery when you want to comment on, rate or tag a picture.

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