Sun, 2015/03/29 - 11:04am
#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
Sun, 2015/03/08 - 3:04pm
#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
Sat, 2014/12/20 - 11:19am
#dailycolonist1914 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• A conference of kings.
• Canadians deployed,
• News from all fronts,
• News from Duncan and the Cowichan Valley,
• An insight in the persecutions of "enemy aliens", and
• Editorials and in-depth articles recapping the causes of the war and the predicament and valour of Belgium.
• some ads that I liked...
Fri, 2014/12/12 - 8:12am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Germans push forward near Ypres, but are pushed back again. "Upon the rest of the front there is nothing important to report."
• Man injured near Duncan during construction of the E & N Railway is awarded $5,000 in damages.
• Ten twelve-ton steel trusses are put in place for the roof of the Bay Street Armoury are put in place without mishap [My brief time in the Reserves was with the 11th Med. out of they Bay Street Armoury, and I was sworn-in in this building.]
• "Film Plays [movies] Prove Very Popular" - Royal Victoria Theatre has decided to show movies during all vacant times not booked for live theatre. [My parents met in a line for a movie at this theatre]
Mon, 2014/09/29 - 8:24am
#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
Thu, 2014/09/18 - 11:18am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Tensions rising between Germany and Italy
• Chinese immigration curtailed
• more news and some advertising excerpts...
Wed, 2014/09/17 - 10:32am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Rheims retaken, Germans pushed well back from Paris
• 40,000 Canadians to fight overseas
• Black-out regulations for London questioned
• Cowichan Fall Fair
• Hilarious attempt to market American beer
Thu, 2014/09/04 - 4:18pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
"Battle Front Quiet for Day" is the lead headline and the triple trend over the last few days of not disguising the horrors, front-page features of German atrocities, and an American spin on stories continues what appears to be a propaganda push aimed directly at the United States...
Tue, 2014/08/26 - 8:52am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
- Headlines and pictures of more troops dispatched from Victoria and Vancouver.
- Japan and Austria officially at war.
- First reporting of trench warfare...
Mon, 2014/08/04 - 12:00am
News out of Victoria 100 years ago:
- No declaration of war yet as of the morning edition. A second extra edition is put out with the huge headline "BRITAIN AND GERMANY AT WAR"
- The day prior to the declaration, in my home town of Duncan, a meeting to form a militia overflows the Odd Fellows Hall and is moved to the Tzouhalem Hotel. I wonder how many of the men that signed up on that night made it back and how many have their names on the monument beside the train station, across Canada Street from where the Tzou used to be...